Valley Community Development has 170 affordable homes in its pipeline. These include a wide variety of housing types, from single-person studio rentals to first-time homeownership condos. Development sizes range from 20 to 60 units. Locations in Northampton, Amherst, and Hadley are in planning. 

Valley is conducting an affordable housing pre-development study in Easthampton, with the goal of identifying a suitable affordable housing location in the coming 18 months. 

EconoLodge, Hadley, MA (50 studio and one-bedroom apartments)

Valley acquired this property at 329 Russell Street, Hadley in early January 2023 with financial assistance from the Community Economic Development Assistance Corporation, having already received a $650,000 grant award from the Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston Affordable Housing Program in December 2022.

In February of 2023, Valley applied to the Hadley Zoning Board of Appeals for a permit under Chapter 40B. While multiple Hadley Boards and residents support Valley’s proposed redevelopment, the Hadley Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) denied the permit. Valley appealed the ZBA denial to the MA Housing Appeals Committee and received a Summary Decision in Valley’s favor in November 2023.

During the holding period (prior to redevelopment), the first floor of the former EconoLodge is successfully leased to Craig’s Doors and provides shelter for 38 unhoused individuals.  Next steps for this redevelopment include raising the balance of financing, completing renovations, and leasing up new apartments.

27 Crafts Avenue, Northampton, MA (Estimated 30 studio apartments)

In November 2022, Valley responded to a Request for Proposals issued by the City of Northampton to develop a City-owned property at 27 Crafts Avenue for affordable housing.  Valley was selected to be the project developer and will work with Jones Whitsett Architects and the City to develop a new construction program and design for the site.

Current plans call for 30 new studio apartments with 20 of the apartments for those individuals making 30% or less of the area median income with a preference for individuals who are currently unhoused. The remaining 10 apartments will be set aside for individuals who currently earn 60% or less of the area median income. We intend to have on-site property management, resident services & maintenance staff on-site on the ground floor level.

On August 24th, 2023, The City of Northampton Planning Board approved the Major Site Plan Approval zoning permit for the project. Project site plans, exterior elevations, and additional supporting documents are available to the public on the City of Northampton website.

Learn more (PDF)

Amherst Community Homes — North Amherst, MA

Valley Community Development plans to build an affordable homeownership development which will create an estimated 30 homes on an 9.047-acre property in North Amherst. The development will be 15 duplex condominiums clustered around shared open spaces, and shared parking arrangements will minimize vehicular traffic and emphasize pedestrian connections. All the homes will be deed restricted to Low-to-Moderate Income first-time homebuyer households, with a preference for first-time homebuyers that meet the CommonWealth Builders (CWB) program purchaser requirements, which is the anticipated state subsidy source for the development.

Valley acquired the site in August 2022. The first schematic site and building plans were presented at the District One Neighborhood Association BBQ in September 2022 with our design team, Peter Flinker from Dodson & Flinker Associates, and Tom Chalmers from Austin Design Cooperative, Inc. A second neighborhood community meeting was held on the property in April 2023 to review the site redevelopment and building plans to date. Valley filed a Chapter 40B Comprehensive Permit request with the Amherst Zoning Board of Appeals in September 2023, with the first of several public hearings scheduled for October 2023.

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A draft of the potential site plan for an affordable housing development in North Amherst.

affordable homeownership program.  affordable homeownership program.

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