Amor Propio by Jada | Small Business Spotlight
Over the past few months, Jada Fraser has been working with our Valley Community Development Business Consultant, Ray Rieder, on developing her holistic wellness business, Amor Propio by Jada.
To launch Amor Propio by Jada, Jada has created a line of soy-based, all-natural candles. She offers a variety of scents and smells to match various preferences and all products are made with gentle, sustainable products. These candles are currently available for direct sale to customers and for wholesale to interested retail outlets.
Amor Propio by Jada aims to support peoples’ minds, bodies, and spirits. Jada’s holistic wellness business came about from her drive to redefine the way we see self-care and self-love throughout mainstream media. She believes our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellnesses are interconnected. If we are to live healthy lives, we cannot neglect one over the other. She aims to integrate that belief into every product she creates to provide her customers with high quality, sustainable products that nourish the mind, body, and soul.
Jada says, “I happened upon Valley Community Development during a time when I was confused as to which director to go with my business. I had no prior references as to what to expect but I took a leap of faith and I’m glad to say that I have no regrets. Working with Ray Rieder over these past few months has provided me with more confidence as a small business owner. Ray understands what it’s like to be an ambitious, creative woman and offers me so much wisdom, patience, and support. I’m beyond grateful for all the 1:1 support I’ve received from Ray along with the networking and marketing opportunities offered to me. I would 100% recommend others to utilize the resources at Valley Community Development.”
Through the profits generated by her business, Jada hopes to create a community for young BIPOC women that is both inclusive and supports their individual personal wellness journeys.
Jada and Ray have worked together to finetune Jada’s business plan, product, and marketing strategy.
For more information on Amor Propio by Jada, or to purchase candles directly, visit the business’ Instagram account, or email